Candidate Bob Jack Investigation:
"Absentee Ballot Harvesting-Felony"
For Immediate Release | August 8, 2022
Tulsa, OK -- earlier today, Tulsa Today broke a news story revealing candidate Bob Jack's political activity may have broken the law and in a serious way. Multiple complaints have been filed with the Tulsa County Election Board and were referred out to the District Attorney. According to the story breaking earlier today, the referral has now been forwarded to the Oklahoma Attorney General for further review or felonious investigation.
Dunkerley states, "It sickens me to see this. I believe our election system in Oklahoma is one of the best in the nation. Bob should have known better."
For background, the Oklahoma legislature tightened Oklahoma ballot harvesting laws following the election concerns of 2020. They created a new section of law that specifically targeted absentee ballot harvesting. Further, Oklahoma law states that it is a felony if involving more than ten ballots. The law states the punishment could be up to 5 years in prison and $50,000 in fines. From a FOIA request (Freedom of Information Act), documents revealed Bob violated the law more than 52 times. One of the samples can be viewed here [certain information redacted for voter privacy concerns]. Read the full here.
Primary Candidate Margie Alfonso
Endorses Kelly Dunkerley in
Aug. 23rd Republican Runoff Election
For Immediate Release | July 5, 2022
“...Kelly has my full support, he’s the conservative we need as our next Commissioner. Kelly is a man of faith, integrity, he’ll defend liberty and our inalienable God given constitutional rights..."
- Margie A., Conservative Republican

Dunkerley Leads Motion to Block a Biden Migrant Facility in Tulsa County
For Immediate Release | June 1, 2022
Tulsa, OK -- late yesterday afternoon, the Tulsa County Board of Adjustment which is comprised of (5) local & trusted volunteer board members in charge of reviewing zoning exception requests in Tulsa County, struck down an application to house 2,000 illegal refugees. Republican Businessman Kelly Dunkerley, an unapologetic conservative and current candidate for Tulsa County Commissioner District 3, led the motion to deny it citing 'no coherent plan from this [Biden] Administration', among other comments shared below.
The room was packed with conservatives in hopes that the Board would deny the application; Dunkerley's opponents for his County Commissioner race did not show up to the meeting.
The motion was supported by a 3-to-1 vote after Mr. Dunkerley made the following statements during deliberation:
Mr. Chairman – After reviewing this proposal and hearing the presentation and citizens' comments today, I am opposed to application 2966. This is not an appropriate use of a major industrial park and the reasoning provided is insufficient to support the requested use variance.
Furthermore, it’s becoming clearer by the day the current situation related to immigration, is more representative of the current Administration’s failed open border policies rather than a short-term emergency. There is no coherent plan from this Administration.
We should expect better performance from our federal government – and avoid facilitating what has been in effect - an open border policy for nearly 2 years.
In addition, this matter has not been properly vetted by local leaders, the Governor’s Office - and there is no support for this proposal among Oklahoma’s Federal Delegation.
I urge my fellow board members to oppose application 2966.
Note: one member recused himself per a possible perceived conflict of interest.